Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies (NJHSA) Member Agency Locator
For a comprehensive list of resources available to GNO area residents, visit NOLA Ready.
Disaster Relief
Crisis Assistance
Mental Health Resources
- Text NOLAREADY to 77295 to get alerts directly from The City Of NOLA or go to
- Text JPALERT or JPNOTICIAS to 888-777 to receive emergency alerts from Jefferson Parish.
- New Orleans Area Community Lighthouses:
Open businesses
- Follow #OpenNOLA on social media.
Disaster Relief
- FEMA Disaster Relief Application
- Louisiana DSNAP Registration
- All residents impacted by Ida can preregister for DSNAP (disaster food stamps) by texting LADSNAP to 898211. Existing SNAP recipients are also now able to use their benefits to purchase hot/prepared foods.
- “Hot Foods” purchases are now allowed with SNAP, P-EBT Benefits after Hurricane Ida
- 211 Louisiana Statewide Network – When Disaster Strikes
- Find help 24/7 during disasters for a wide range of critical services and resources:
- Dial 211
- Text your ZIP code to 898-211
- For shelter info:
- Dial 211
- Text LASHELTER to 898-211
- Contact:
- Find help 24/7 during disasters for a wide range of critical services and resources:
Crisis Assistance
- Louisiana Office of Behavioral Health Keep Calm Line: 1-866-310-7977
- Behavioral Health Recovery Outreach Line: 1-833-333-1132
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- Crisis Text Line- Text REACHOUT to 741741
Mental Health Resources
- SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline – The DDH provides free, confidential crisis counseling and support to people in distress due to natural and human-caused disasters. The DDH is available 24/7, on all days of the year, via talk or text to 1-800-985-5990. The website is also available in Spanish.
- A Guide To Managing Stress for Disaster Responders and First Responders – This guide offers information and tips to disaster and first responders to hep them manage stress during crisis response.
- Psychological First Aid (PFA) Field Operations Guide and PFA-S (for Schools) – These guides are developed by the National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). PFA is an evidence-informed approach that disaster response workers use to assist people in the immediate aftermath of disaster and PFA-S is a model schools and communities can use to support students, their families, and staff immediately after a natural or human-caused disaster.
- Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series Resources for Children and Adolescents – Two sections of the SAMHSA Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series (DBHIS) resource collection focus on the common responses and needs children and adolescents may have during and after disasters.
- Helping Older Adults After Disasters: A Guide to Providing Support – Designed for anyone supporting older adults after a disaster, this SAMHSA guide highlights reactions to disasters that are common among survivors of all ages, as well as unique challenges older adults may face after disasters and how response workers can help.
- For disaster crisis counseling, call the national Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH): 1-800-985-5990.