September is National Suicide Prevention Month
Suicide is currently the second leading cause of death for individuals between 10-24 years old. (American Association of Suicidology, 2014.) There is help if you or a loved one is experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts. Some signs to look out for are changes in behavior, eating/sleeping habits, and drastic mood changes.
How do you remember the Warning Signs of Suicide?
Here’s an easy-to-remember mnemonic created by the American Association of Suicidology (AAS). These adult warning signs were compiled by a task force of expert clinical-researchers and ‘translated’ for the general public:
I Ideation (thoughts)
S Substance Abuse
P Purposelessness
A Anxiety
T Trapped
H Hopelessness
W Withdrawal
A Anger
R Recklessness
M Mood Changes
If observed, seek help as soon as possible by contacting a mental health professional or calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or calling local VIA Link Crisis Support by dialing 211 for a referral.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. All month, mental health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members unite to promote suicide prevention awareness. There is help if you or a loved one is experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts. Jewish Family Service (JFS) offers mental health counseling in a safe and comfortable atmosphere, available to individuals, couples and families.
In addition, JFS offers Teen Life Counts (TLC) suicide prevention curriculum free to schools, parents and faculty. 3,000 students and adult gatekeepers participated in workshops throughout the greater New Orleans metropolitan area during the last school year.
The following video about “empathy” is shown during each TLC student workshop.
Depression is the mental illness most commonly associated with suicide, but it is not the only mental illness associated with suicide.
Please consider supporting TLC especially during suicide prevention month
For more information on TLC, please contact Melissa Stewart (phone:504-831-8475 x124)
or call JFS intake 504-831-8475 to speak to a counselor today.