JFS offers adoption home studies, pre-adoption counseling, and post-placement studies. Our suite of services seeks to educate families about the adoption process and the special issues that adoptive families face.
Home Studies
The state of Louisiana requires a home study for any couple or individual who wants to adopt. If a family is planning to adopt internationally, a home study is required by the Immigration and Naturalization Service as well. A home study consists of four to six interviews, one of which includes a home visit. An individual interview is also held with each member of the adoptive family to obtain biographical information. However, the main purpose of the home study is to educate families about adoption and prepare them for the unique aspects of raising adopted children.
Individual and family counseling helps prepare adoptive families for their future as well as address adoption-related challenges should they arise. Counseling can help adoptive parents answer their child’s questions about his or her biological parents, address potential issues, such as difficulty bonding with family members, and so much more.
Post-Placement Studies
Similar to pre-placement home studies, post-placement studies help ensure a successful adoption and future for the child in question. Case workers visit your home and speak to each member of the family. Courts usually follow the recommendation of the case worker as to whether the child should stay with the family. In most cases, this is the recommendation of the case worker.
Home Study: $1,900 + $26 background check fee
Home Study Update: $300 + $26 background check fee
Post-Placement Report: $250 per visit
Post- Placement Report: (If JFS didn’t complete home study) $300 per visit
The Confidential Report: (Final Report) $500
For more information about JFS’s adoption services in the Greater New Orleans area, please contact Michelle Beard, LCSW, MBA at (504) 831-8475 ext. 169.