Katie Godshall, LCSW-BACS, JFS Intern Program Supervisor This time of year is usually filled with flustered shopping, indulgent meals, traveling and time spent with our loved ones. A season full of cheer can also be isolating and difficult if you have lost someone dear. Whether this is the first holiday since theRead More
Candice Rosenblum, LCSW Clinical Social Worker, Northshore “Brian” was battling depression when he sought treatment from Jewish Family Service (JFS) last year. The death of his father triggered painful memories of a difficult childhood spent with a physically and verbally abusive alcoholic father. This behavior often creates a negative sense of self for children. ARead More
August 10, 2017 |
Author: Sofya Spector |
5 Ways to Preserve Senior Independence Having a conversation about change in lifestyle can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are five key areas in which you can encourage or maintain a senior’s ability to remain independent and safe in their own home. 1.Home Safety & Preventions Conditions in theRead More
July 21, 2017 |
Author: Sofya Spector |
This summer, Jewish Family Service of Greater New Orleans (JFS) collaborated with the Jewish Community Centers (JCC) in Uptown and Metairie to provide a weekly support group for the teenagers in the Counselor- In-Training (CIT) program. The overarching purpose of the CIT group is to provide a supportive environment for the CITs to discuss theRead More